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uploaded 6 months, 2 weeks ago by hazel

StandardLevel 14Bear
maximum hp: 625
maximum mana: 40.166
health regeneration: 25
mana regeneration: 12

strength: 60
intellect: 25
dexterity: 24
vitality: 5

increased item quality: 18%
increased item quantity: 36%

sprint chance: 0%

additional xp per kill: 14%
maximum hp: 625
maximum mana: 40.166
health regeneration: 25
mana regeneration: 12

strength: 60
intellect: 25
dexterity: 24
vitality: 5

increased item quality: 18%
increased item quantity: 36%

sprint chance: 0%

additional xp per kill: 14%

Fjolgard faction icon
Friendly 52.2%
(5701/10000 rep)
The Pumpkin Sailor faction icon
The Pumpkin Sailor
Honored 82.9%
(22440/25000 rep)

+15% increased physical damage
+15% increased physical damage
+15% increased physical damage
+1 strength, +1 dexterity
+1 strength, +1 dexterity
+1 strength, +1 dexterity
+1 strength, +1 dexterity
+1 strength, +1 dexterity
+3% attack speed
+3% attack speed
+15% increased physical damage
+15% increased physical damage
+1 strength
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